Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recession Training - Preparing for the worst!

I got back from my lunch ride today, and remembered that I did not bring a lunch.  I pretty much need a constant supply of calories or else I turn in to a mound of gelatinous mouse moving putty. I say dumpster dive. There was a lunch meeting today, and fortunately everyone is on a diet so lots of things get left alone. I've had a flu shot, I also have a dog's stomach and I stick to individually wrapped items.

Out of the above precious ore, I was able to mine one turkey sandwich,  pasta salad, potato salad, and a cookie. I know what your thinking gross, but is it really? I've read Kitchen Confidentials and that was much worse! Anyway if the economy gets really bad, I'm getting the skills that will sustain me until better times.

1 comment:

Sandblogger said...

Got any extra for me? I forgot my darn lunch.