Thursday, February 5, 2009

Burrito Intensity Factor

I have decided to express how much I ride my bike in Chipotle Burrito Dietary Requirements per  month, or "CBDR".  I have this fancy Powertap on my bike that measures and collects all sorts of data about my bike rides. One of the parameters is work performed, or energy, expressed in Kilojoules.  There are 4.184 kj per calorie (1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories or big C what we know in the US as calories on the back of your cereal box). There is a lot of math going on here. To be exact I would divide my total kj by 4.184 to get calories. However, this work is only what goes directly in to the bike pedals, this would be correct if I was 100% efficient meaning every single calorie I ate went directly to propelling my bike forward. We all know nothing is that efficient, or else our car engines would never get hot, and we would never sweat, and there wouldn't be corn and peanuts in our poo.  So it has been determined that most athletes are 20-25% efficient, so if you multiply by .25 your pretty much back to your initial kilojoules.  For my purposes it's pretty darn close to a 1 to 1 ratio. 

It may be hard to read, but I had a total of 57 hours and change for January, 825 miles, and it took me 29,981 kilojoules of work.

So here is the nutritional info for the Burrito at the top of the post. If I take my Kj divided by calories, I slayed 30.13 burritos this month.  I divide that by miles it's .033 burritos a mile or my burrito intensity factor.

1 comment:

Sandblogger said...

Another attempt at blog-dom, eh? Jeebus save us all... If your crazy ideas and obsessive ramblings reach the mainstream, we are all screwed. Oh well... It was a silly place anyways.

By the way, that's alot of darn burritos.