Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kokopeli Ninja Trees

Sorry for not keeping up the Blog for the last couple of days. Hard to believe I actually was working at work and went to Fruita for a three day Mountain Bike Shakedown.  I feel that I must relay to you the agressive nature of The Ninja tree.  For the second year in a row I was attacked and thrown to the ground by one of these evolutionary top predators.  These tree max out at about six feet.  The lower portions of these guys are beat to hell and broken away by the steady stream of riders that pass by them.  Think of it as millipede that has lost all of it's legs below the neck.  The altitude that I ride at they still have their arms, and they are pissed. One of these guys grabbed me in a corner and threw me down! In the ensuing crash two of my fingers were bent in way that we don't talk about at parties.  Back at camp my hand swelled up to triple the size of it's right hand partner. It looked like the peoples hands in Wall-E. I was pretty sure I broke something in there. Did I tell you that 2 hrs off road with a jacked up hand is not fun? So going against all things manly, meaning just ignore it and use your good hand, I got an xray

As you can see from the pic, no broken bones.  I dodged a bullet (or a ninja sword) with this one.  Here's me giving the OK sign

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