Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Where do they all go?

I've been watching peoples microwave habits lately. One thing that sicks out is most of the cook time is never completed. You usually are left with the odd 15 or 10 seconds. As soon as the food starts hissing and popping people panic and put their food out of its misery. I wonder where all these seconds go? One of these days I'll put together a spreadsheet of these lost seconds.


Sandblogger said...

It annoys me having to clear out those 17 seconds before entering my, more accurately estimated, time. It's like leaving the TP dispensor empty...c'mon people!

sked said...

Those seconds go back into the microwave and help make it last longer. Duh.

Anonymous said...

...those seconds of over estimation can be deducted from your carbon footprint.