I think Mr. Laun was trying to tell me something. That something was is you don't love me anymore. I think he was pissed when I put him out in the rain, and he got hailed on. I would be pissed as well. As you can see my Laun has projected his frustrations in the most adolescent of ways. This is the turf-grass equivalent of getting a tattoo after your parents said no. Ladies is that tramp stamp still a good idea?
Yes that's a dandelion nesting in my Launs mid-section. How could you do this to me? I got the hint. I got out the scissors and started down to business. I tried to replicate the Fantastic Sams cut method. 1. So what are we doing today? Shave the back and sides and trim up the top. 2. Do you know what guard you used last time? #2 3. The neck rounded or blocked? Rounded. I didn't give Mr. Laun the option to look at the back in the mirror. Reason one, he doesn't have a neck and number two, he doesn't have eyes. Here are the results:
Here is where it gets a little weird (as if everyone cuts their grass with scissors) I busted out the lotion and went to work on each blade. I mean Mr. Laun can't have split ends if he's going to make it to the Masters Golf Course.
Talk about tedious work, but I got the time. I'm halfway through it at work today.