Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yoda, you little green bastard, I should have never trusted you. This snow situation is getting serious. You said it was going to be a good snow year, feel the force. I'll give you some force. I'm getting crotchety. All I here is the cliche sayings from the masses at work "oh I hear the mountains are getting snow" Yeah the ones 8 hrs from Denver, or the ones that don't have lifts. Vail is getting shafted, summit county might as well be a desert. The next person that asks me how the snow up there is I'm going to hit them. For Chirst's sake look over your left shoulder, all those 14,000 foot peaks you can see from downtown are brown, not white. Shouldn't that be your answer? I hear burning green Yoda balls are a snowmaker, come hear you little dwarf.

1 comment:

Sandblogger said...

C'mon man. Why you gotta bag Dwarfs. We have feelings too.