Saturday, December 26, 2009

MFK 3 Apple 0

I was just commenting xmas eave that I treat my phone like crap. I drop it, open bear bottles with it, and generally belittle it any chance I get. Even after all this ill treatment it takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. Then suddenly my phone gave me a Christmas gift. I'd like to think it wanted me to have a peaceful Christmas, with no interruptions, but it was really just getting back at me for all the harsh treatment. So it decided to break, but not fully break. It would receive calls and texts, but I just couldn't answer them. It just sat on my coffee table mocking me. I tell you what I never get calls, but the minute you can't answer your phone it blows the eff. up. I can only imagine all those chicks that were lonely on Christmas that I missed out on. In an even more evil twist, my phone was going to force me to got to the Apple store on the day after Christmas, mall hell. Then strange things started to happen. I steal my internet. This makes it somewhat unreliable. I haven't had service in a month, but suddenly when I really need a Genius bar appointment it started working. Apparently the Apple store opens an hour early for tech support, pretty sweet. Apple confirmed that my phone was indeed a terrorist operative and needed to be put down. I don't know if it was the Christmas spirit or the fact that I prominately displayed my mac and ipod on the bar, but I got a new phone for free. This is quite an accomplishment considering my phone was 2 years and 54 days old. Talk about a happy customer. Apple aint bad at all. They are MFK tested and MFK approved. To date I've gotten two ipods, and a phone replaced. I think this mac is getting tired, I better trade up soon.


Sandblogger said...

I didn't peg you for an Apple baby. I knew you were trendy and all that, but didn't think it had set in that deep. Ahh well. I'll remain the nerdy engineer I was born to be.

MFK said...

well I am running a suite of Autodesk Products on a Mac. Funny how it is faster than my PC