Friday, December 11, 2009

Totally Innoculated

This morning I received all of my shots for Africa, its quite a laundry list of less than desirable conditions. My favorite part was the "Consultation" what seemed like common sense to me obviously is not to others. For example sex with the indigenous population. I was under the impression that HIV drips off the trees and runs down the streets in Africa. They recommended the use of a condom. Good tip, however American women don't seem to like me, why would African women? This is not going to be an issue (However Canadian women do seem to dig the MFK, weird.)

In the end I was punctured by no less than four needles and loaded up with three pill prescriptions. I think I'm going to test out all my new immunities this weekend. I think I'll drink some pond water, while eating some under cooked chicken off a public restroom floor. I might throw in some inappropriate activities with farm animals just to push the envelope. I also figure hand washing is no longer necessary, that's a plus.


sked said...

I don't see malaria on the list. I've heard that vaccination has some really bizarre side effects.

MFK said...

I got pills. You can only get the vaccination "in-country"

A^T said...

It's a good thing though that most people don't get "consulted" with condoms. Keeps me in a job! Consider yourself more educated than most.