Monday, October 12, 2009

Office Nesting

So were doing an office shuffle this (last) week, and I have made some observations. Now, I'm not the master of organization, and have been known to hoard from time to time. As of this minute I have something like thirty tires in various states of used condition in my guest bedroom. Oh if you are a guest at my house, you won't be in the guest bedroom it is a panoptica of cycling refuse. You would be doing well to even enter. One time a couple pairs of skis fell over and did a pretty good job of blocking the door. Back on topic, people have unbelievable piles of office crap they cart around. Me I can be in an out of an office in twenty minutes or less. A wise boss once told me "never keep anything in your office that won't fit in a single bankers box" in the digital age I'm just saying an external drive you keep at home will hold a lot of stuff you may want. Do you ever think, people think they are more vital and important than they actually are?

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