Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yuppie Pumpkins

As I walked in to the super market (I'm there every darn day, I can't seem to buy enough food to last more than 24 hrs. Everything is one serving, regardless of the packaging. Seriously, what man can eat two graham crackers and call it a day? I ingest them by the sleeve) Anyway I was blindsided by discriminatory pumpkin acts.

These hardworking pumpkins were labeled as $5.99. Obviously cast in to the role of the "middle class" by there monetary stature. The ones to the left were $3.99. I suppose these must be the 'blue collar" working stiffs. To the right, slightly elevated were the $7.99 variety, these I determined were the upwardly mobile yuppie pumpkins. Who makes these decisions? Who's to say one pumpkin is better than the other. Given the opportunity, can't all pumpkins achieve greatness?

1 comment:

sked said...

Pumpkins, like people, are provided the equality of opportunity, not the equality of outcome.