Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fleet of Foot

I would like you all to know, I am now running MFK. No longer am I cycling MFK. (at least until the not to distant future) I ran yesterday and was pleasantly surprised I could actually do it (much like sex) Anyway, the last time I ran was a year ago yesterday. Consequently that was also the day that confirmed I needed to have my knee scraped of all of it's taco salad chicken mush.

I'm still amazed that I can ride a bike for 6 hours with little or no apparent fatigue, but 20 minutes of running systematically strips every muscle from my legs and hangs it on a drying rack.

My ego is up there as well after watching pretty much the entire CAT 1 field pass me at the Fall Classic Last weekend, at least I beat all the pro-women (all three of them)


Sandblogger said...

I was gonna ask about the fall classic but you beat me to it.

I have just accepted the fact that I cannot run. You can stick a 150lb pack on me and have sherpa my butt around mountains all day, but the second I try and jog, I'm a dead man. Vo2 instantly, sore muscles for days.

good luck destroying that chicken wing.

MFK said...

Fall Classic wasn't that bad. All courses and management was great. i actually had my highest pro finish of the year, mostly due to luck and a solid tire management.