Monday, February 23, 2009

Behind the curtain of training (Maybe)

I just might have found the first clue to better training while using my Mountain Bike Power Tap. I finally got all my technology to talk to each other Power Tap Hub and Garmin Edge 705. Here are a couple of short climbs I regularly hit.

The pictures show The Hogback, The Grind, and Zorro.  In all these efforts I was moving pretty good but, still below full out race effort.  I usually get tunnel vision and space out when I really am working hard.  For grins I looked at some road files for similar efforts, power was the same but I was up about 100 ft/lbs of torque on the Mtn. Bike.  Maybe I need to grind a little more on the road bike or spin more on the MTB? I think I might do all my sweet spot LT training on the MTB. Here is the other revelation, Is my off road FTP different than my on road FTP? Any budding Excercise Physiologist need a thesis idea?


Sandblogger said...

I didn't know you had a road bike power tap. How is the wheel built up? BTW your insightful HR comments earned you a new screen name. You are now Deep Thought or Smokey...I'm still choosing between the 2.

Steve said...

This is base? Normalized power @ 375W? Remind me never to be your wing man.