Thursday, June 18, 2009

Does my Laun Long for something better?

I was cutting my Laun the other day, and as I sat on my porch I wondered if he longed for something better. Was this two-square foot planter pot everything he thought he would be? After all he was uprooted from a golf course and unceremoniously driven to his present location. Does he want to be here?

I was at Target, I'm always at Target. You would think they would stop asking me if I need help finding anything. I know the store better than than you, High School summer help girl! Stemless wine glasses, 200 meters and a left after the small appliances end cap! Anyway I saw this.

Acres of grass photographs. Maybe my Laun wanted to be a model? Every blade waxed and polished. Perky but not too sharp. Maybe I should sharpen my scissors to leave a clean cut? Do they make Laun product?

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