Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Slayer

The recent comment about being able to cook food with the heart jump-starter, better than the microwave, precipitated this post.  Let me tell you about the Popcorn Slayer. The micro in my office is an incredible piece of engineering. I have urges to tear it apart and search for Russian letters on the atomic core of this thing. Ok I know, there is nothing radio-active in a micro wave, or that it cooks food with anything remotely close to nuclear fission, but don't you like the image? Imagine looking in to the heart of a nuclear sub and seeing someone boiling water with a microwave. Jules Verne would be so jealous.  Back on topic, this thing has incinerated almost every bag of pop-corn that has come near it. My office compatriots just can't figure it out either.  I even went to the extra step of "blacking" out the POP-CORN button on the front panel with a Sharpie. Still the acrid smell of burnt pop-corn wafts through the office every afternoon.
If your a bag of pop-corn, this is what Hell looks like
The only other thing that amazes me more than this is sneezing. Have you ever noticed people look at you in utter amazement when you sneeze.  Just for the record, I've never said "bless-you" to anyone who has sneezed. 

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