Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Silly Terrorists

Swine Flu, is this all you got?  Need I remind you that 20,000 people died in Africa as a result of snakebite last year. Asia had like 50,000. Why in the U.S. we average like 15-20. This is a far more effective way to scare us. Watch Snakes on A plane, or Anaconda that will strike fear in to our hearts.  Don't even get me started on smoking, that has killed more people than small pox. Swine Flu, Bird Flu.  Christ 5700 people died in the U.S. of food poisoning last year.  Hell I almost killed myself 3 times on my bike last year in the old mfk-flu-over-his-bars-in-to-pissed-off-rocks-enza. Needless to say I'm taking every precaution look what I did to my bed. It is flu and snake hardened.

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