Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cherry Creek TT Geek Hierarchy

I must relay to you (The MFK Militia or is it the MFK Special Forces, that's what I call my fans) a hilarious event that occurred not more than 15 minutes ago. I've started to add some structured interval work to my lunch rides. Today was 3 x 15 minutes at a prescribed wattage with some recovery time in between. So naturally I pass some people when I'm on and they usually catch up to me when I'm off.  I apparently pissed of the Grand Pooba of TT Geekdom today.  Yes he riding some weird TT geek bike with even more stupid double seat water bottle holders was pissed. By the way he had two mismatched water bottles on the back and a third on the frame. I must tell you that you need this much hydration when your out for your lunch ride from the Tech Center. As I accelerated past him he said something, me in a little bit of distress really didn't feel like chatting him up, simply waved. He proceeded with shouts of "any time" and he kept on repeating "54 30" I didn't really get it was he telling me he has a bigger chain ring than me?  He drafted, well tried to draft me for another six minutes. When my time was up I said "dude I'm just trying to hold a wattage, I really don't understand what your issue is?" He then babbled more "Any Times" and then he told me his Lactate Threshold wattage as I rode back towards work.  I hope he's out tomorrow, I love messing with people like that.  Maybe I'll pass him doing a one-legged pedaling drill.  That will really piss him off!
It was this man. Apparently he stole a whole bunch of crap from David Zabrinski.  I should probably be careful.


Evan said...

Was it really that dude? Shit man, let us know how it goes tomorrow!

Sandblogger said...

I hate it when I'm doing intervals and come up on other riders. They always get pissed when you yo-yo like you are toying with them. It's so hard to pass folks, you know. BTW it wasn't my spaceship. I was briefly abducted. It really helped me the that vertical footage though.